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MicroAlign is a deep-tech Dutch startup and spin-off of the Eindhoven University of Technology.Our revolutionary technology enables for the first time to optimally connect many densely spacedfibers to multiport optical components, all at the same time and with individual sub-micrometer accuracy.At MicroAlign we leverage our micro-manipulation technology to manufacture the next generationof ultra-high accuracy fiber arrays, with core position accuracy better than ±100 nm.MicroAlign fiber arrays are key enabling components in applications where every photon counts.

Patents filed
Produced Fiber Array ​
+ 0


We strive to become the global leader in fiber array manufacturing for quantum computers


  • Produce high-quality fiber array.
  • Scale up production and lower manufacturing costs
  • Create a unique package of fiber array manipulation technologies

How we started:Planting the first seeds of growth

A micro-positioning system capable of aligning multiple optical fibers has been invented at MicroAlign and represents our core technology. The potential of the alignment system in relaxing assembly tolerances in the photonic manufacturing industry has motivated the team to explore the market potential of the new technology.

Our development is funded by national and regional financing schemes and by seed funding options available through Dutch organizations.

MicroAlign was awarded in 2019 with the Take-Off phase 1 grant from NWO, employed to perform our first technical and commercial feasibility study,

The grant MRE Metropoolregio Eindhoven was awared in 2020, for which MicroAlign has developed part of the technology used to fix optical fibers in position after the alignment is performed.

The Take-Off phase 2 grant was obtained in 2021, a stronger boost to start building the company.

The Thematic Technology Transfer program and PhotonDelta added additional funding in 2021, together with access to a strong photonics-based industry network.

In 2022 MicroAlign was granted an EU subsidy, together with an international consortium of relevant companies in the field of photonics.

MicroAlign operates with access to the highly equipped TU/e facilities and to the Nanolab Eindhoven cleanroom and can leverage the developed photonic, electronic, and mechanical knowledge to propose a quality solution.

Meet our team

Our team

MicroAlign team consists of talented individuals who have led the company forward and put it on the map in the world of photonics.